Promotional Animations – EU Integrations and Funds

In cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration (MEI), Propulsion Fund implemented a project that had the goal to present the complex euro integration process and all the benefits that Serbia can get during and after it. The idea was to to describe the complicated negotiation procedures in a simple way that will be understood by the citizens and the aim was to do so by producing 2 animations; one of them 4 and the other one 2 minutes long. The first of the two produced animations aimed at clarifying the euro integration process in general, while the second animation was focused on presenting the idea and benefits of the IPA funds. One of the animations was done in whiteboard technique while the other one was a 2D animated graphic.

These animations were successfully produced in an attractive way, understandable to differently aged audiences, relying on our long term experience related to the issues of democracy, the ways EU functions, open society and education.

  • 2015 - 2016Year
  • SerbiaTerritory